ComputeHub 2.0 ready for takeoff

Hello everyone!

The time is finally here! After many months of hard work, we are finally ready to re-launch ComputeHub with the 2.0 platform. We appreciate everyone’s patience and look forward to this next step in our journey. We have a few more things to check in the next day or so but we are launching this week! Keep an eye out for a Go-Live announcement on our website and socials.

Since the beginning, our focus has been to create a simple to use, low-cost cloud computing platform that is “pay-by-the-drink.” We feel that many of the other platforms are too complicated—too many options, confusing billing, and so complex that you need to hire an expert to even get started. This experience has shaped our business philosophy and was the baseline for the 2.0 platform. We wanted to create a platform where you didn’t have to be a computer engineer to leverage the cloud. Not being engineers ourselves (other than our great developers), our focus was to be able to spin up a cloud instance in a matter of seconds and begin using it for a variety of applications such as hosting, AI research, ETL, and rendering. We believe ComputeHub 2.0 is a solid foundation to build these ideas on and will only get better as we continue to iterate on it and learn from you.

As a thank you for your patience, we will be doing a special bonus free credit for all new users for the remainder of April 2022. This means that you will receive $60 of free credit instead of the typical $30. This is only for a limited time and this can be used on any of our service! We believe in what we are doing and so we want to give you the opportunity to try us out with no strings attached—meaning no credit card or billing details required at signup. We know that once you try our services you will want to stick around! So don’t miss out and make sure to tell your friends!

As part of our core culture, we are always open to feedback and suggestions—so send us an email with anything that you would like to see add in the future and we will look to add it to our roadmap. We plan to post this roadmap in the near future so keep an eye out!

Thanks again and looking forward to this week!


CEO and cofounder


Update from the CEO


ComputeHub 2.0 Update 01/28/22